is a resource companion to the most comprehensive and accurate publicly-available digital twin of Dealey Plaza, the infamous location of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, TX. Made up of two core data sets-- drone photogrammetry and ground LiDAR-- the CAPA-Auriela Digital Twin is a modern preservation of the plaza useful for education, research and forensic investigation.
Mavic 3 Enterprise 20MP photos with GPS & PPK data.
Matterport Pro3 LiDAR scans with 360 degree panoramas.
polygons pre-rendered in a data-fusion 3D model.
1.5 Billion
GB of data organized for processing and inspection.
Take a test drive by virtually walking around the 411 ground scan points captured via a Matterport presentation as a sample of the detailed/ raw data set available via licensing designed to be affordable for open access. With full access you will be able to explore views between scan points including from the roofs and windows of buildings.
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Our Government Transparency Projects
The flagship, modern, forensically collected data set digitally preserving Dealey Plaza for the future of education, research and simple curiosity.
CAPA-Auriela Dealey Plaza Digital Twin
A new project to collect verified documents that relate to the physical attributes of Dealey Plaza and the surrounding structures. This archive will include renovation permits, re-pavement records, photos, articles, etc. With funding, we hope to integrate a FOIA process.
Dealey Plaza Historical Records Archive
Historians have collected a plethora of documents relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, but there isn't a navigation tool with advance filtration and search that is a fast web tool. Click to find out how you can support this endeavor.
JFK Assassination Document Navigator
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Meet the Developer
The CAPA-Auriela Dealey Plaza Digital Twin was made with patriotic love by a married couple inspired by the courage and excellence of the truth-seeking heroes of history. It was created at-cost (we lost money!) for the betterment of the people.
Auriela, LLC (their company) is a film, media, and marketing company leveraging tech and grounded moral principals. Come get to know us!